Kazakh brides

Why Choose Kazakh Brides?

Before you start thinking about getting married to a Kazakh bride, it’s important that you consider the culture of this country. Kazakh women are very particular about their appearance, and they are unlikely to marry a smoker or a drinker. They also have very strict fashion standards, and you should consider shedding some of your bad habits if you wish to marry one of these women. If you want to impress a Kazakh bride, you should respect her culture and her parents.

Respecting the culture of Kazakh brides

A custom known as “shashu” is common to the Kazakh people, and it is important to respect this custom and the traditions associated with it. Marriages are a happy occasion in Kazakh culture, and many people believe that having lots of children is essential to the family’s happiness. A woman’s sister-in-law will likely notice her pregnancy and immediately inform her mother and sister-in-law. The women will then gather together for a celebration called Tosek toi. Men are not invited to the party. Men are not invited, but the relatives of the grooms parents will rush to tell their kinswomen and shuinshi them of the marriage.

A Kazakh wedding is a festive occasion, which involves many traditions and rituals. It is a holiday for newlyweds and for their families. This day marks the union of two kinship ties. There are many customs and rituals surrounding the wedding, including not allowing the bride to see her future husband until the wedding day. The groom’s family is also likely to do the same, so it is important to respect the culture of Kazakh brides and grooms.

When it comes to respecting the culture of a Kazakh bride, the first step is to consider her ethnic background. While women enjoy equal rights in Kazakh society, their place is not always as important as men. Women are generally respected in urban areas, and their opinions are valued. For example, in Kazakhstan, marriages do not take place between two strangers but between the bride and groom’s families. The wedding typically lasts three days. During the ceremony, physical contact between men and women is discouraged, but in informal settings, handshakes are permitted and eye contact is not always considered inappropriate.

Respecting their parents

The traditional upbringing of women in Kazakhstan ensures that women behave like their mothers and grandmothers. They do not try to dominate their men, instead, they let them be the breadwinner and head of the family. If you are looking for a woman who will do the same, you should consider a Kazakhstan bride. They will be more than happy to be at your side as long as you respect their values.

Kazakhstan women have simple steps and gestures that make it easy to establish a rapport with them. This sensitivity to family matters makes them ideal candidates for marriage. Kazakhstan women are also extremely respectful of their parents. Because of their close ties with Russia and China, many of them are multilingual. That means you can talk to them in Russian, Chinese, or any other language you like. You can rest assured that you will be getting a woman who will be devoted to her husband and their family.

While Kazakhstan has an uncomplicated culture, polyandrous marriage is still frowned upon in this country. Kazakhstan has a high divorce rate and one out of every three couples will divorce. The country also has high single mothers and the number of divorced women continues to rise. In Kazakhstan, polyandrous marriages can lead to complications with paternity. Kazakhstani women have no choice but to respect their parents, especially if they have children.

The Kazakh traditions require that couples prove they are not related for seven generations. The parents of both parties negotiate the marriage offer. Once they are satisfied with the proposal, the groom steals the bride from her parents and brings her home. The bride’s parents return the favor after the wedding is over by bringing gifts for each member of the bride’s family. As part of the marriage ritual, the groom’s parents then visit the bride’s parents to celebrate the couple’s union.

Being educated

One of the biggest reasons to choose a Kazakh bride is that these women are well educated. Unlike many Western women, Kazakh women do not have the language barrier. This means that it is easier to separate your professional and private lives. Additionally, they spend countless hours in a health club or shopping for the latest beauty merchandise. While these women are highly educated, they still have a lot of things to settle for before they will be willing to marry you.

A Kazakh woman may have higher expectations than a western woman. The gender roles of men and women are clearly defined in Kazakh culture. While men are portrayed as hard-working breadwinners, women are depicted as passive homemakers. In fact, males are often depicted as being more educated and more muscular than their female counterparts. Thus, men are often presented as more successful breadwinners than their female counterparts.

Although being educated may be a good reason to marry a Kazakh woman, this culture has also been the scene of numerous cases of non-consensual bride kidnapping. While the majority of cases of bride kidnapping are committed with the consent of the bride, others do not involve the girl being kidnapped. The majority of the incidents are accompanied by an element of deception, with the bride verbally consenting to marry her boyfriend on a day of surprise.

Kazakhstani women are very educated. Their ancestors are known to them up to the seventh generation. Although it is not common for a Kazakh man to marry his or her distant relative, children are usually raised to know the names of their distant relatives. Kazakhstani women are also careful to follow traditions that have been passed down for centuries. Though their apartment is more modern and has many contemporary conveniences, they still have the tradition of laying out their corpse and pillows on the floor.

Being submissive

Kazakhstan is one of the most desirable places to look for a marriage partner. The women in Kazakhstan are generally of Asian appearance with a rich skin tone and Asian mentality. They are well educated and eager to become a partner and a mother. They are also very committed and appreciated by their husbands. If you want to marry a beautiful Kazakh bride, you need to be prepared to be submissive and respectful.

The Kazakh people are Sunni Muslims, which is why their marriage customs are in accordance with Islamic law. Marriages within clans have taboos that prevent couples from marrying people who are seven generations back. This prevents inbreeding and helps to ensure the health of future offspring. Breaking a taboo can result in banishment from the clan or even death. Children are also commonly married in Kazakhstan.

The best way to approach a Kazakhstan bride is to be respectful and humble. Moreover, you should remember that these women don’t like conflict and will wait for your initiative. Kazakhstan brides are educated and trained in the modern professions. While they may not earn a lot, they will be more than happy to expect their man to support their family. In addition to this, they will respect their husband’s decision to take the initiative when it comes to marriage.

Kazakhstan women are extremely beautiful and most of them have an Asian appearance. That makes them stand out from other mail purchase brides. They are also dark-haired and dark-eyed. Some are even Russian-looking or blonde. Most women of this country are very intelligent, regardless of their age, and will be able to hold a conversation with even an unskilled guy. It’s important to note that if you can present a romantic attitude, you will be able to win the trust of your Kazakhstan bride.

Having a good sense of fashion

It’s vital to have a good sense of style when choosing a Kazakh bride. Women from this country have strong senses of style and are often very different from other Western women. They tend to be aloof and private, but that does not mean that they lack a sense of style. In fact, some older women are also very fashionable and have an eye for fashion.

Many Kazakhstani ladies have elegant builds, dark hair, and black eyes. You can also find ladies with lighter hair, though this is not uncommon. Many Kazakhstani women are household oriented and long for marriage at a young age. Their appearance is exotic and unique, and their beauty is a plus. A woman from this part of the world will be a good addition to your household.

The beauty of a Kazakhstan mail order bride is another reason why they are desirable. They have very impressive figures, which can be a result of their healthy diet and regular exercise regime. It’s also important to have a good sense of fashion when choosing a Kazakh bride, as traveling to Kazakhstan from the United States can be difficult. A good courting profile will catch the attention of women searching for a new spouse and will rank higher in search results.

Dating With Kazakh Girls

If you want to start a relationship with a Kazakh girl, there are some basic things you need to know. Local girls are known for being very respectful and attached to their culture. You should also understand that compatibility is very important, as most of them are very religious. This means that you need to be open-minded, able to accept other religions, and give space to logic. In addition, you should dress decently and act well to create a good impression.

Be a gentleman

If you’re thinking about getting involved with a Kazakh girl, you’ll want to start with some basic tips that will make her feel special. The first thing to remember is that they appreciate strong, confident men. While this doesn’t mean you should be aggressive, it will help. Being a gentlemanly man will also be appreciated. Most Kazakh women don’t have the Western feminist ideas that you have, so be sure to show them respect in your interactions with them. This will ensure that they feel appreciated and that you will obey them.

You’ll also want to remember that Kazakhstan is largely Muslim, and most people practice Islam. However, this shouldn’t stop you from approaching girls of any religion. This is not to say that you need to convert to Islam to get a Kazakh woman, as most women here claim that love is their religion. Just make sure you know the girl before pursuing her. While the dating culture in Kazakhstan may be different from that in other parts of Asia, it’s worth remembering that Kazakh ladies are still women of faith and culture, so it’s important to respect them as such.

Remember that Kazakhstan women prefer strong, established males. Don’t be aggressive or cold in your interactions with Kazakh women, since these women don’t know how to act. Be a gentleman and act like a guy, and you’ll have a much better chance of being accepted. Don’t discuss their culture, either, because it will turn off Kazakh women. Be polite and respectful instead, and they’ll respect you for it.

Dress to impress

If you’re aiming to impress a Kazakhstan girl, it’s best to follow some basic rules. For example, you’d want to wear something that would be suitable for a formal occasion, such as an office party. Girls from Kazakhstan are generally short and petite, with a graceful silhouette. They don’t like to wear anything too revealing, but they are comfortable in simple outfits that don’t overdo it. They also like long hair, which matches their sense of style.

You don’t want to look like a Borat villager. They’re married and most likely have children. They’re also very protective of their women, and will get violent if you get too close to them. And if you try to sleep with a married woman, you might be in trouble. If you’re unsure of what to wear, here are a few suggestions:

When it comes to dressing to impress, it’s important to be polite and show genuine interest in your date’s life. Try asking her about her studies, career, family, and hobbies. Always be prepared to talk to her family about your relationship with a Kazakh woman. Remember, a relationship in Kazakhstan is different from a romantic relationship in the United States, so it’s important to establish communication with her family and her friends.

Although the culture of Kazakhstan is distinctly different from the West, you should still try to maintain the same manner when meeting a woman from Kazakhstan. It is important to dress appropriately to avoid any awkward situations. If you’re visiting her country for the first time, be aware that Kazakh women are more conservative than you think. They will expect you to pick up the tab. And, while they don’t have the same societal norms as men, they’ll still expect you to treat them like family members.

Act decently

If you want to impress a Kazakh girl, you must know how to act decently. Most women in the country speak English fluently. This will be your best bet since they are beautiful and know how to conduct seductive conversations. However, before you start chatting with a girl from Kazakhstan, you should know how to approach her. Be careful to avoid dating a frivolous girl and instead choose someone who is serious about getting into a relationship with you. You must remember that serious relationships take a lot of work and time and if you want to succeed, you should act decently and modestly.

Remember that a woman in Kazakhstan wants to know more about you and your family. Since marriage is a pious thing amongst their culture, they might call you often or insist on meeting her parents. Keeping this in mind, you must be able to convince her parents that you can take care of their daughter. However, you should keep in mind that Kazakhstan women are religious and may refuse to marry you if you do not make your family happy.

Don’t try to impress a Kazakh girl by acting like a Borat. Kazakh girls like men who take charge and make the decisions. It is best to avoid a formal dinner or a costly night out. A coffee date is perfect. You can even meet her in a park or an art gallery. Be sure to spend enough time together, so it’s a win-win situation.

Make a good impression

If you want to meet a Kazakhstan girl, you should remember to treat her like a lady. She appreciates gentlemen and doesn’t appreciate bad manners. Therefore, behave in a polite manner and avoid being rude or using obscene language. You can start a conversation by using basic etiquette. Doing these things will give you an advantage over other men. If you are not sure how to start a conversation, here are some tips to get your first date off to a good start:

When meeting a Kazakh girl, you should make an excellent first impression. This will allow her to feel comfortable and confident about you. Remember that she values your opinion and looks. She will also appreciate your politeness. Do not be arrogant as this will not go well. Moreover, you should make her feel that you are a man who is respectful to her culture and will give her a good marriage.

If you want to impress a girl in Kazakhstan, remember that she is a real lady who wants a strong man to stand by her. So, make sure that you don’t show aggression, but instead, be a man of responsibility and determination. Be a gentleman and she will respect you. Kazakhstan girls are not into western feminist ideas, so you must behave accordingly. They also do not compete with men for power. So, if you are a gentleman, you will be able to impress them without any problems.

Keep in mind that Kazakhstan girls aren’t as easy to approach as some other Asian girls. They are a lot more European than Asian and don’t react as easily to flirting as you would with Thai girls. Be patient and polite, and you will be rewarded for your efforts. If you want to make an impression on a Kazakhstan girl, you should be patient, since it takes time to get to know them.

Be open-minded

If you’re looking to date a Kazakh girl, there are some things to keep in mind. This country is considered to be liberal, and the girls here are known to be very liberal and family-oriented. They want a man with minimal vices, and you’ll be better off going for someone without them. Men who smoke, drink or dabble in drugs are less likely to find success dating a girl from Kazakhstan. Furthermore, do not engage in debates about controversial topics, as this will likely rile the emotions and sink the relationship.

The religious beliefs of the women in Kazakhstan are also important. While the majority of Kazakhstan is Islamic, the local government insists on religious tolerance. The young, in particular, are more religious than their parents, and if you’re from a Christian background, this might present a problem. Be aware that about a quarter of the women in Kazakhstan consider themselves Eastern Rite Christians, and that this might pose some difficulties for you.

Women in Kazakhstan are generally modest and do not chase material things. They dream of having a life partner, and creating a family with him. This may be a source of frustration for many women, and meeting a foreign man can help alleviate this feeling. Kazakh brides also like foreign men’s looks, and American men with masculine bodies are an excellent way to draw their attention. Just be aware that a foreign man may face a few challenges, but the local people are incredibly welcoming and accepting.

Be ready to be flexible. Even if you’ve met girls from different ethnic backgrounds, you’ll find that their behavior is quite similar. They are usually very polite and approachable, but not sexy, and they prefer long-term relationships. And, if you’re open-minded, a girl from Kazakhstan might just take you to bed on your first date. It might be worth it!

What to Expect From Kazakh Women for Marriage

If you’re interested in marrying a Kazakh woman, you’ve come to the right place. These traditional brides are loyal, caring, and respectful. And, they speak a number of languages, including English. In addition to being incredibly beautiful, Kazakh brides are also very hardworking. You can count on them to give you an incredibly fulfilling relationship. Here’s what to expect from them. And, what’s more, you can find your perfect match in no time!

Traditional Kazakh women

The main characteristics of traditional Kazakhstan women for marriage are strength, gentleness and modesty. They will cope with any problems and challenges. As a result, these women will win over any man’s heart. If you’re interested in meeting a woman from Kazakhstan, here are some things to consider. You’ll be happy with your choice! Read on to find out more about these qualities and why they make such great brides for marriage.

A strong man – Kazakh women are looking for a man who is both responsible and determined. You shouldn’t be aggressive or cocky – just a man who behaves like a gentleman. Western feminist notions about women’s rights and roles aren’t widely accepted in the culture. Regardless of how much you may admire a Western woman, you shouldn’t underestimate the value of a man who behaves like a gentleman and respects women’s wishes.

Be considerate of her values and morals – Kazakhstan women are very conservative and do not like public intimacy. They value a stable family environment and believe in the power of communication. Since they have been raised in a traditional household, they prefer to spend quality time with their future husbands. You’ll have to respect and understand the values and culture of Kazakhstan women before you can begin your relationship. And remember that Kazakhstan women have a strong sense of honor.


If you are a single man looking for a wife, you may have tried traditional methods but have failed. Nowadays, you can find your soul mate through foreign marriages. And the best way to find that soul mate is by marrying a Kazakh woman. These women are extremely hard-working, good cooks, and are excellent housewives. You’ll find that they love to cook, take care of children, and knit. They can handle a great deal of work in a family and cope with all the demands of a busy lifestyle.

When it comes to Kazakhstan women for marriage, they are very hard-working and will do anything to make their husbands happy. They like to make their home look beautiful, and love to cook tasty meals. Every man wants to feel like a king when he comes home from work. They are also loyal and will support their husbands throughout their lives. But remember, you must understand that these women are very different from western feminism.

While divorce is no longer considered taboo in Kazakhstan, it remains a social stigma. Many unmarried women suffer from a social stigma and are viewed as selfish and failures. However, Kazakhstan women for marriage are incredibly hard-working and a great choice for anyone who is looking for a long-term relationship. They are also very kind and compassionate to their children and to their families. So, if you are looking for a wife for your child, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a Kazakhstan woman for marriage.


Dating local Kazakhstan women can be challenging. They will assume that you are exclusive and will be upset if you start chatting with another woman. It’s best to stay away from revealing that you love them and want to marry them early on. This will only end up turning the local Kazakh women off. Here are some tips to help you make your dating experience more enjoyable. Read on to discover the ways to attract local Kazakh women.

If you’re interested in meeting a woman from Kazakhstan, it’s vital to remember that they value a man’s respect. Men who disrespect women and speak rudely to them are unlikely to be welcomed. Instead, act like a gentleman and follow basic etiquette. You’ll be surprised at just how much these women appreciate these traits. They want a man who respects their family and their independence.

Modern Kazakhstan women are smart and educated. They study hard and work hard to earn a living and combine these talents with their ability to care for the family. They are looking for a man who will treat them well and be generous. They are also looking for someone who will be faithful to them. And if you’re looking for a woman who is not afraid of a bit of money, Kazakhstan women are also looking for a man who will treat them well.


If you’re looking for a woman who will take your vows seriously, consider a respectable Kazakh woman for marriage. These women are known for their strong character, resiliency, and versatility. Their big heart makes them eager to share their lives with someone who values them. In addition, they tend to get married at a young age, usually around 23 or 24. While this may sound like a risk, Kazakh women are generally tolerant of age differences between their life partners. If the age difference between the husband and wife is significant, they tend to prefer older men.

To attract a respectable Kazakhstan woman, men should keep a clean and hygienic home. They should also avoid bringing up negative topics. Stay away from criticizing family members, politicians, or acquaintances, even if they’re not directly connected to the girl. This is because women in Kazakhstan are expected to show their qualities more than ever. While you’re wooing a respectable woman, it’s also a good idea to have a sense of humor.

One thing that makes Kazakhstan women attractive for marriage is their femininity and beauty. The women from Kazakhstan are incredibly feminine and can make you feel protective of them. The women in Kazakhstan dress like top models and keep their professional and personal lives separate. You’ll be able to tell their personal lives from their professional lives. They can also make you feel important. It’s worth remembering that this doesn’t mean that you should take this for granted – women from Kazakhstan are extremely savvy about their own values, so it’s important to know that.


Kazakhstan women are well-mannered, stylish, and family-oriented. They may come from ethnically unique families, but they will teach you that family is the most important thing. They do not try to dominate their relationships. Instead, they let their husbands be the head of the family and the main breadwinner. They will be happy to provide for your family. However, you need to be aware of their cultural values.

They are very good at taking care of children and cooking. Their good domestic skills can help you to have a happy family. They are very good housewives, and they do not mind taking care of children. They are also very caring towards their husbands and children. If you marry a woman from Kazakhstan, you can be sure that she will be a good wife and mother. Even though they are traditionally conservative, you can still expect them to be a great partner and mother.

As with any woman, Kazakh women appreciate a man who is responsible, family-oriented, and not overly aggressive. While they can be funny and love to laugh, avoid making too many jokes during your first meeting. Instead, focus on being a gentleman and showing that you are a gentleman. This way, she will be much more likely to respect and admire your efforts. She will be very happy to get married if you’re ready to respect her cultural values.


If you are looking for a foreign partner for your marriage, you can find a Russian or English-speaking Kazakh woman online. While most of the Kazakh population is literate, a substantial number cannot speak English. Nevertheless, you should remember that 99.5% of the population is Muslim and will not respond well to crude or vulgar language. Although Russian and English are not the official languages, you should be aware of some cultural norms to avoid.

Generally, Kazakhstan women will not prefer to marry a man who is rude and dismissive. If you are looking for a woman who will make you happy, remember that you are dating a woman who has developed a personality and is independent. The woman will appreciate the fact that you can provide for her and that you are willing to help her build a successful career for yourself. You should avoid the temptation to marry a man who is not financially stable and can’t make ends meet.

A lot of men are attracted to the beauty and vivaciousness of a Kazakhstan woman. This is due to her unique appearance, which has resulted in many foreign men signing up with dating websites for Kazakh women. Many women in Kazakhstan are also well-educated and educated. It is possible to find an English-speaking Kazakh woman for marriage in Kazakhstan. If you want a partner who speaks English, try contacting a Kazakh bride online.

Kazakh Wedding Traditions

If you are planning a wedding in Kazakhstan, you may be wondering about the various Kazakh wedding traditions. You can learn about the Uilenu toyi and the Betashar ceremony in this article. This article also includes some information on the Kuda tusu and the Uryn kelu. These are all traditional ceremonies that are performed during the wedding ceremony. However, these ceremonies may not be for everyone.

Kyz uzatu

The Kazakh culture is full of traditions and customs, and weddings are no exception. While some wedding traditions have faded in importance as time has passed, they remain an important part of the Kazakh culture. The groom’s parents often chose their son or daughter’s life partner without seeking their views on the matter. The groom’s parents also performed the bride’s showing, a ceremony that entailed choosing life partners for the couple’s children.

The first event of the ceremony, the Kyz uzatu, involves the bride leaving her family’s home to travel to the groom’s family. The bride’s family arranges a toi for her groom to stay at their home for a few days. The bride’s family would try to please the groom by filling his bag with gifts and offering him tea and sweets. The groom’s family then presents the bride to his family. In this ceremony, her future mother-in-law kisses her and places a white scarf on her head. During the ceremony, a large crowd of guests and elder relatives gather to greet the bride and greet her husband.

Another important ceremony is the neke oku, a ceremony that is very important to the groom and bride. The groom’s family will give his bride’s family a gift of silver or gold, which symbolizes friendship and a desire to bear together both the good and bad aspects of life. This tradition is also part of the old custom, and it is a part of Kazakh weddings.

Betashar ceremony

The betashar ceremony is an integral part of a Kazakh wedding. It takes place at the civil registration office called AKHAZH. This ceremony is also known as the ZAGS, zagsh, or akhAZh. After the ceremony, the bride walks down a long, white path with her two daughters-in-law, saying goodbye to her family. She is then passed to the groom’s family, who then hand over the bride or girl to her new husband.

The bride was met by a young girl in the village before the wedding. A girl was selected to serve her family and friends as she walked toward the groom’s home. She was then seated behind a curtain. A big celebration was then arranged. After the bride was married, she would be revealed to the community. She would be given a dowry. The groom’s family and neighbors are then invited to the party.

The kyzuzatu is a traditional Kazakh wedding ritual, which is closely associated with matchmaking. The groom’s family and relatives will visit the bride’s home to talk about various wedding themes and buy furniture, bedding, and dishes. The bride’s parents will be required to buy utensils for the wedding. A traditional Kazakh wedding tradition will include the betashar, which is the first wedding dance of the couple.

Kuda tusu

Kuda tusu is rooted in the idea that a young woman should be accompanied by her own property when she marries a man. The traditional dowry includes dishes, bedding, carpets, furniture, and home appliances. The bride also receives a gift from her family when she visits her groom’s home after the wedding. During this time, her relatives also visit her house in her new status.

The Kazakhs have many traditions relating to marriage. Some of the most important include a formal marriage proposal, the bridal payment, the bride’s farewell, and the wedding and post-wedding ceremony. Although this is the most common kind of marriage, many women still choose to be wed outside of this traditional culture. In Kazakhstan, a bride must be prepared for the wedding in advance, and her face must be revealed during the ceremony.

The groom is presented with a bone in the hope of playing the role of asyk. The bone symbolizes the parents’ wish for friendship and the couple’s wish to share both good and bad things in life. The ceremony is very important in the life of the bride and groom. During the wedding, the mullah performs the ceremony and the guests taste the wedding water.

Uryn kelu

The Kazakh wedding is one of the most important events in their lives. Parents start the preparations for the wedding long before their child reaches adulthood. They visit neighboring villages looking for a worthy family to marry their child. Many different traditions were practiced at the Kazakh wedding, and the ceremonies took place over several days. Although the most important one is the prohibition against the marriage of relatives of the bride and groom up to the seventh generation, other wedding customs have been largely ignored in the 21st century.

The wedding ceremony began with a matchmaking ceremony called kudalyk. The ceremony is longer and more intense than the wedding itself. The bride’s family was invited to the groom’s home to see her face, and she received a kiss from her mother-in-law before wearing a white scarf. The white scarf symbolized her marital status and welcomed her into the groom’s family.

The groom’s suit was also decorated in a traditional Kazakh wedding tradition known as uryn kelu. The bride and groom had a suit busguin, called a “Kosta.” The “Kosta” wore a taniltsakh (a Kazakh wedding suit), with a gold ring and a silver scepter.

Neke Qiyu

In the Kazakh wedding tradition, the groom’s parents bring the bride home after the ceremony and light a fire to signify their new home. They also place butter in the bride’s face as part of the ceremony called “Betashar.” The latter is an elaborate ceremony where the bride’s face is opened and she is acquainted with her new relatives. In modern-day Kazakhstan, this ceremony is not performed with Islam, and it is held in a closed-door affair in the bride’s home.

Kazakh wedding traditions involve many different ceremonies. There are multiple wedding ceremonies and they can last several days. The first wedding ceremony is called the qyz uzatu toy and takes place in the bride’s parents’ home. The bride’s parents will give her a coat to serve as a token of her newlywed status. The wedding ceremony also involves post-wedding ceremonies.

Before the wedding, the bride and her family travelled to the groom’s village. She would be escorted home by young girls. Her family and friends would bring sweets and coins for the bride. A dowry caravan was sent to the groom’s home for the wedding. The bride was not allowed to look back and would say goodbye to her parents before leaving the groom’s house.

Ulken Toi

The biggest difference between a Western wedding and a traditional Kazakh wedding is the ancestry of the bride and groom. In the Soviet Union, religious clergy were forbidden from performing marriages, and the practice of giving wedding presents was discouraged. After independence, however, the practice was revived, and many traditional Kazakh wedding customs have survived to this day. As the Soviet Union collapsed, freedom was granted to Kazakh traditions.

The bride’s family is revealed during the betashar ceremony, which is part of the Kazakh wedding tradition. The groom’s mother-in-law gives her a kiss and puts a white scarf around her head. This scarf symbolizes her marital status and welcomes her into the groom’s family. While the ceremony takes place at the civil registration office in Astana, the bride’s mother-in-law rides in the car, stopping along the way for pictures.

The bride’s song, known as the synsu, was written before she left her family. It was about losing her independence and entering a new life. She was sung by a choir of young men and women. The bride’s family received valuable gifts, while her new husband’s family was rewarded with additional gifts. The wedding ceremony, referred to as the ulken toi, was celebrated for about three weeks.

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