Libyan brides

Why Choose Libyan Brides?

A lifelong work in progress, Libyan brides are well-educated, ambitious, and respectful. Whether you are looking for a life partner or just a mate, there are a variety of reasons why you should consider a Libyan bride. Here are some of the most popular reasons to marry a Libyan woman. They are also a lifelong work in progress, so be patient with them.

Libyan brides are a lifelong work in progress

The life of a Libyan woman can be peaceful and fulfilling, but it can also be challenging. Marriage is a work in progress, and no counseling book can replace the process of understanding your partner. In the meantime, learn more about the features of Libyan women and how to approach them to make the relationship work better for you. The following tips should help you find the right Libyan bride for you.

The first thing to know about Libyan women is their beauty. They have gorgeous manes, brown skin and fierce eyes. Their traditional dress is conservative, and they don’t wear ostentatious makeup. Libyan women are very capable of having beautiful babies. Their children are adorable, and their parents would be proud of their daughter. While Libyan women have beautiful manes, they don’t wear ostentatious jewelry.

The Libyan delegates at the meeting were mostly civil society youth who were divided on the proposed marriage fund. While some welcomed the solution to the delayed marriage problem, they were wary of the potential for corruption. A female delegate expressed skepticism about the initiative. At a meeting in December, Dabaiba was criticized by women activists for comparing women to commodities in the market.

They are ambitious

Libyan brides are ambitious, well educated, and respectful of tradition. They have a natural thirst for knowledge and pursue careers in various fields. They also excel at home management and will always have advice for a man’s needs. These women are eager to support men’s ambitions and will make sure that their marriages are successful. They are also known to bring home tasty treats and gifts, which can prove very beneficial to a man.

Many young Libyans are struggling with the aftermath of war and unemployment. The government has focused on them in recent months. Some have even been offered marriage allowances, housing, and land. This initiative has also been dogged by accusations of graft. However, it is worth noting that the government has not put all these issues on the agenda yet. There are still many young women whose lives are in danger because of their ambitions.

The wedding in Libya usually focuses on the bride, with many women in attendance and minimal men in the wedding party. Libyan brides view marriage as a major step in their life and are keen to look their best. Oftentimes, women wear colorful clothing with accessories, high heels, and make-up. The men, meanwhile, wear business suits and professional clothes. In addition to the wedding festivities, the bride and groom may receive henna tattoos.

They are well-educated

Libyan brides are very well-educated and are very beautiful. Libyan women are well-educated and come from traditional families. They also have a strong sense of family and are perfect wives. Libyan women are well-educated and are very hard-working. They are also very religious and know how to have fun. So if you are looking for a bride from this country, you can be assured that you will find one who will suit your lifestyle.

The rise in education has also contributed to modernizing marriage in Libya. University students have been a key factor in challenging traditional controls on marriage and the interaction of spouses. The present research aims to shed light on the challenges that this generation has faced in breaking marriage norms. While the educated young are unlikely to rebel against traditional rules and fight for a better future, there are still pressures coming from other sources.

Before the revolution, Libyan women were restricted to traditional roles and remained at home. But after Gadaffi’s rule, women were able to work more than ever before. Despite the strict rules imposed on women, many Libyan women are now seen in public unveiled. Today, the new government has appointed ministers for health and social affairs. Women are laying out their vision for a better future. Women’s organisations and groups are organising workshops and awareness lectures to empower women.

They are respectful

If you’re looking for an exotic bride, you’ll probably be happy to know that Libyan brides are respectful and hard working. Since 97% of Libya’s population is Muslim, your future bride will likely be a Muslim. These women are respectful and devoted to their husbands, and they make excellent mothers. While their religion may not be important to you, they are definitely respectful and love to take care of their families.

Although Libyan women are shy, they are remarkably attractive. This country lies somewhere between Arab and North African countries, so its beauty combines Arabic and African features. Libyan women have hourglass figures, fit bodies, and golden undertones on their skin. They are also well educated and know how to have fun. They also tend to be respectful and thoughtful of the values of those around them. These qualities are important in a bride, and it’s not difficult to see why so many men prefer to marry Libyan women.

Weddings in Libya are less formal than in most countries, and the bride typically wears her wedding dress on the third day. A family member or friend of the groom will bring gifts for the bride, and the bride wears her wedding gown on the final day. Wedding parties are generally large affairs, and both families, friends, and neighbors are invited. However, the bride and groom will be expected to spend the majority of the wedding night in the family of the groom, so it is important to respect this custom.

They are great mothers

Libyan brides are known to be great mothers, and their traditional family values make them an ideal match for Muslim men. The best way to describe Libyan women is “domestic goddess” – a true testament to their devotion to their husbands. They are the ultimate perfect wives. These women are also devoted to their faith and uphold Islamic values. Those who are blessed with a Libyan bride should feel at home in the country.

Unlike many brides, Libyan ladies are not as well known as other mail-order brides, but they are just as beautiful and hard-working. While most men want a woman who can run their household and drive their man crazy, Libyan women are intelligent, hardworking, and beautiful. Libyan ladies make excellent mothers and will do anything for their families. This makes them an ideal choice for men who want a wife who is good at housework and who is capable of driving their man crazy.

Once the groom has married the bride, the groom and the mother-in-law, the bride and her best friends must go to Hammam Bukhari, a traditional Turkish bath, with the bride in a pink ethnic dress. Upon completion of the Hammam, the bride and mother-in-law must eat the traditional Libyan dish called Reshta or Reshditburma. Reshta is shredded dough cooked in a special gravy.

They are segregated

A traditional wedding in Libya consists of a long and elaborate ceremony. Guests are encouraged to stay for the entire duration of the wedding, so that they can gossip, wash the bride’s face, and help with the clean-up. There are unspoken rules, too, that keep weddings together. A Libyan wedding is a social event, and guests are expected to smile and eat until the wedding venue closes.

The culture in Libya values men over women. Boys are taught to demand attention and care from their wives, while girls are raised to think of themselves as inferior to their men. Women are seen as weaker and more vulnerable than men, and thus are considered to be less disciplined. Men are not expected to care for their wives as much, which means that Libyan weddings are largely segregated by gender. However, this does not mean that Libyan brides are automatically rejected.

A sex-segregated wedding is also frowned upon by many in Libya. The ceremony is extravagant, and both the bride and groom spend thousands of dinars to make it perfect. However, it does serve many purposes. The marriage allowance scheme could encourage young Libyans to marry without thinking long-term about the future. Furthermore, it could also encourage young people to marry at a young age and become teenage brides.

Dating With Libyan Girls Online

If you are planning to date with a Libyan girl online, you need to first understand the culture of this country. Learn the Attitude of Libyan women towards men, and what it takes to attract a woman from Libya. If you have ever considered becoming a mail-order bride, you may have a better idea of how to approach Libyan women. The following article will provide a quick overview of the Libyan women’s culture.

Online dating with Libyan girls

If you want to date a Libyan girl, you must be aware of the country’s traditions. Libyan women are known to be traditional, and are not inclined to flirt with men. Libyan families also teach their daughters these values from a young age. Most Libyan women are married by the time they reach their twenties, so you have to be patient when it comes to dating a Libyan girl.

You should also keep in mind that Libyan women have high standards, and are not inclined to fall in love. They prefer long-term relationships to short-lived affairs. Because Libyan women are traditional, you should be prepared to meet a woman with a high standard of personal hygiene. Also, you should be patient and try to understand her culture and traditions. Libyan girls may appear shy and distant at first, but you can win her heart by showing sincere interest in her.

In addition to being attractive, Libyan girls also have a traditional lifestyle. While they may not be as open and friendly as other girls, they are respectful, open, and happy to be around men. You should also remember to dress for success. You should be well-dressed to impress a Libyan girl. You should try to understand her fashion sense and style, so you can better match your dress with her personality.

When meeting a Libyan girl online, you must consider the cultural differences between the two nations. Although Libyans have a modern culture, some of them still believe in marriage and family, and they may not want to date a foreigner. However, foreign women are more open to these values and will be willing to spend time with you. Libyan women are not interested in holiday romances, and therefore you should be patient when approaching a woman.

If you want to date a Libyan girl, you should consider signing up for a dating app. Apps like Badoo are popular and allow people to find a partner who shares their personal details. These sites are completely free, and you will not even need to pay to use them. The main advantage of using a dating app is that you will be able to connect with people who are interested in you. If you do this, you will increase your chances of meeting a Libyan girl.

Culture of Libyan women

When dating Libyan women, you must understand their culture. The older women are more mature and have more experience. Usually, these women are interested in progressive actions and have solid family values. If you have an interest in dating a Libyan woman, you should not play with her emotions or force yourself on her. You should not let her see your intentions for dating before you’ve proven yourself worthy of her attention and affection.

If you’re looking for a woman who is suited for everyday life, it’s best to choose a mature woman who is already married. She’ll likely have a family of her own and prioritize their relationship with her partner. Although Libyan ladies are very loyal, they do not prefer divorce and would prefer to remain in a married relationship. If you’re interested in a mature Libyan woman, you should be prepared for a more difficult relationship than you think.

If you’re planning a romantic relationship with a Libyan woman, be sure to keep in mind that they must be approved by her family before you can marry her. Marriages in Libyan cultures are large events that showcase the class of the family and are usually celebrated in grand displays. In addition, weddings in Libya are also religious in nature, and there are many customs and beliefs that are strictly observed. This is one of the most significant differences between Libyan and Western cultures.

You should also consider the fact that Libyan ladies are quite intelligent and modest. Despite their modesty and independence, they are able to express themselves without making their physicality obvious. Libyan women are known for their class and etiquette. They don’t like the casual hookup culture. They want to spend time with you before they feel ready to commit. Libyan women also have strong family values, so be sure to understand this before you begin your relationship.

Be sure to understand Libyan women’s religious beliefs. Although they’re secular, they’re still heavily influenced by religious doctrines. This is also reflected in the views on women. If you’re looking for a long-term relationship, you’re probably not going to be able to break this cultural norm. Libyan women will be happy with you – and so can you! They’ll even give you their full devotion if you’re willing to get closer.

Attitude of Libyan women towards men

If you are a man from another country and are looking for a woman who lives in a similar culture, then you might want to consider the Attitude of Libyan women towards men when you start dating. The country’s religious doctrines are a big part of daily life. As a result, Libyan women tend to take their marriages very seriously. The women in Libya take care of their homes and family very well. The country is a great place to live, with many opportunities available.

The first thing you must keep in mind when dating Libyan women is that they do not allow much physical intimacy. They are very protective of their families and are very reserved in this aspect. Therefore, it is essential to respect your woman and her family responsibilities and not play around. When you are approaching a Libyan woman, be careful and respectful, so that she does not feel intimidated or cheated.

The laws that govern relationships in Libya are very different than in other countries. The Gaddafi-era constitution only barely addresses violence against women, so Libyan lawmakers should strive to eliminate such discrimination. Law No. 10 of 1984, for example, does not have any enforcement mechanisms for domestic violence. Libyan women should be protected by a law that addresses these problems. The country should take steps to change these laws, and make sure women are equal to men.

It’s important to note that the Attitude of Libyan women towards men when they are dating is quite different from the Attitude of women in other countries. In any culture, marriage is an important step in a woman’s life. In Libya, however, marriage is a serious matter, and Libyan women take this responsibility seriously. Traditionally, Libyan ladies are more conservative, and it’s important to respect this tradition, which makes them hesitant to approach foreigners.

In Libya, falling in love with a Libyan woman may not be as hard as you might think, but you’ll need to exert some effort in order to manage it. The culture is both ancient and modern. Men and women have different expectations of the same kind of relationship. Libyan ladies are very interested in making their own decisions, and prefer Western thought processes over traditional methods. So how can you navigate these differences?

Attitude of Libyan women towards mail-order brides

If you are looking for a woman who is well-educated, loyal, and well-rounded, look no further than Libya. The women from this country are devoted to their families and are very family-oriented. While Libyan women are Muslim, they do not consider their religion to be an issue in their marriages. They are respectful and devoted, and they are great mothers. The culture of Libya is rich in language, religion, and cultural traditions.

Higher education has also been a major factor in the modernization of Libyan marriages. Young people from universities are challenging traditional controls on marriage and the interaction of partners. The present study seeks to explore these challenges. Although the educated young are not expected to rebel or oppose youth demands, they are not immune to pressures from other sources. Regardless of their age, women in Libya have not been spared these pressures.

Libyan women are very beautiful. The country lies between North Africa and Arab countries, so the women there are a combination of both Arabic and African beauty. Their hourglass figures are fit and sexy, with olive skin with golden undertones and big dark eyes. Their culture values their family and honor above all else. Libyan women are also proud of their faith in their husbands and look for a prince.

While Libyan women are not as glamorous as other brides, they are worth considering. Most men want a woman who can look good in the wedding photos and manage the house. These women are very educated and hard-working. Unlike other brides, Libyan women are not always a perfect fit for mail-order marriages. In fact, most men prefer a woman who can keep the home, while Libyan women are educated and devoted to their family.

Why Choose a Libyan Woman for Marriage?

If you’re looking for a wife from another part of the world, you might consider a Libyan woman for marriage. Libyan women are traditionally feminine with hourglass figures and brown skin. Although they respect their traditions and are up-to-date with fashion and culture, they are also well-educated and know how to have fun! They are a wonderful choice for married couples looking for a unique mix of cultural heritage and modernity.

Libyan women have hourglass figures

Regardless of how you define hourglass figure, it is a universal truth that Libyan women are the most beautiful. Libya is a country between North Africa and the Arab world, so the women in this part of the world are a blend of both cultures. The women of Libya have hourglass figures, fit bodies, and olive skin with golden undertones. These women have big dark eyes and are a delight to look at.

Many women in Libya are not as well known as other mail order brides, but they’re a hidden gem. They have beautiful and educated women, which many men seek in a wife. The men who are interested in Libyan women for marriage have a choice between an educated, hardworking, and educated wife. This combination makes the women of Libya ideal candidates for marriage. However, they are not always as accessible as other brides, so the process of finding a Libyan bride is not as easy as you might imagine.

Although the new marriage allowance scheme encourages marriages in Libya, some experts say that it will have negative consequences. It could encourage young Libyans to marry without long-term consideration. Furthermore, the scheme could lead to more teenage brides, and it’s already tainted by accusations of graft. However, there are other positives, too. If a Libyan woman can get a marriage allowance, she’ll have a better chance of marrying a foreign man than a Libyan woman with a more conventional hourglass figure.

Fit bodies

A good Libyan woman will have a gorgeous body. They are often described as having the hourglass figure, with olive skin and golden undertones. Libyan women are also very attractive, and their beautiful eyes and manes will turn your head. The women of Libya are very feminine, and they are very respectable of men. They are also very intelligent, and they will work hard to achieve whatever they want.

The dress code for Libyan women varies depending on the part of the country you are visiting. In the cities, men and women are allowed to wear t-shirts and shorts below the knee. Women don’t need to wear headscarves. There are some expat beaches in Libya where men and women can wear Western-style bathing suits, but it is best to stay away from anything too revealing.

In Misrata, female students founded a newspaper and political groups to encourage women to study and start a career instead of getting married. They also sold their jewelry to purchase combat jeeps, and sewed flags in cities liberated from the Gaddafi regime. However, Libya remains a deeply traditional country, ranking 91st out of 102 countries for gender equality. However, it seems the revolution that sparked Gaddafi’s downfall was a revolution for the women, and their own freedom is now the key.

Brown skin

If you are looking for a bride, you should consider a Libyan woman. These women are highly educated and have a deep respect for men. Many of them took part in the Libyan Revolution in 2011 and are now much freer than they were before. You will find that a Libyan woman will be respectful and a great mother. They also have interesting religious and cultural customs. Choosing a Libyan bride will be an interesting experience for you and your future family.

The government has taken steps to ensure that its citizens can start their families. In 2007, the government passed a decree that forced children born to Libyan parents of different nationalities to attend public school. This has led to public backlash, but the government has since clarified their position. While Alkhoja supports the Marriage Fund, he doesn’t like the mechanism by which it distributes cash. Despite the backlash, the government is attempting to encourage more marriages by making it easier for Libyan men and women to start families.

Until recently, Libyan women had few rights to choose their husbands. Women were often referred to as “adopted” by their parents, and some families had a surname based on the woman who bore the child. This practice continues today, but it has been made harder by concerns about wealth, demographics, and the political future of the country. While Libya’s legal restrictions have become more liberal, the political environment continues to be extremely unstable.

Fierce eyes

If you’re seeking a partner with fiery eyes, you should consider meeting a Libyan woman for marriage. These stunning women have brown skin, manes, and fierce eyes. They were raised in a harsh climate, and their modest clothing and makeup reflect their conservative nature. However, despite their appearance, Libyan women make beautiful and charming partners. They make wonderful wives and are capable of raising beautiful children.

However, it’s important to note that Libyan women are very respectful. They don’t engage in public displays of affection, and body contact is strictly prohibited, even behind closed doors. To attract a Libyan woman, you’ll have to treat her with respect and treat her like a queen. Be prepared to spend a lot of time together. Libyan women appreciate a long-term commitment, and they will reciprocate that interest.

Gaddafi’s harem was notorious for its atrocities. While he ruled the country for 42 years, his regime tortured and killed opponents. One of the victims of Gaddafi’s atrocities was a young woman named Soraya. Soraya was chosen to give Gaddafi flowers on a school visit. It was a chance to be a part of a powerful dictator’s harem.

Hourglass figure

A Libyan woman is beautiful and has a perfect hourglass body. They have an olive complexion with gold undertones and dark eyes. If you are looking for a woman who is both attractive and educated, look no further than this nation. The women of Libya are perfect wives and have excellent family values. A Libyan woman is considered a hidden gem in the world of mail-order brides. And although they may not be as well known as their Arab counterparts, they are just as beautiful and hardworking.

The hourglass figure of a Libyan woman for marriage is not unique to the country, but it does reflect society. A healthy adult woman has a balanced hormone level, which means that she is in shape to have a family. She has a low waist and a high butt. Her waist is a mere seven and a half inches from her hips, so she has a pronounced hourglass figure.

Fit body

Libyan women are gorgeous with brown skin and fierce eyes. Because they are from arid regions, their clothing is conservative and they never show too much skin. Libyan women keep a respectful distance from other people. When they talk, they make eye contact to acknowledge their audience and show interest. They exchange handshakes and hugs, and dress modestly. They can be very good mothers and will make beautiful children.

Men should be careful about the type of Libyan woman they are interested in. Women from this region are naturally strong and hardworking. They provide care at home and abroad and are excellent advisers. They are good conversationalists and are very interesting to talk to. They also have interesting questions, which make them an interesting partner. When they like you, they ask these questions and are very interested in finding out more about you.

There are some challenges when it comes to finding Libyan women suitable for marriage. Some of them are overweight or obese. But these problems can be overcome if the Libyan women get the proper nutrition and exercise. Most Libyan adults have poor diets, which hinders their ability to have a successful marriage. Then, the Libyan government should ensure that women are equally represented in the Constituent Assembly. This will allow them to participate in the constitution-making process.

Libyan Wedding Traditions

There are many unique cultural practices in Libyan weddings. Some of them include Henna night, Rice-tossing, and candy-tossing. Some also involve the After-the-Meal ceremony. Hopefully, this article will help you learn more about these traditions. Also, you can visit Libya to see these beautiful traditions for yourself! Here are a few ideas:

Henna night

Henna night is a special tradition for brides in Libya. Traditionally, the bride wears a pink ethnic dress with green accents. The older women in her entourage sing traditional songs on this night. After she has her hands and feet hennaed, she must eat Reshta/Reshditburma, which is a traditional dish made from cooked shredded dough and a special gravy.

The groom and bride’s families stay until the bride’s family emerges in her traditional dress. Before she can leave, she must sit in a traditional red chair while the women apply henna. She must also have a henna basket, makeup kit and a small mirror to complete the ritual. The groom’s family also takes part in the ritual. It’s a night to celebrate the bride and her family.

Guests at the ceremony and reception are given gifts by the groom’s family. The groom’s family also gives gifts to the bride and the women in attendance. The bride wears a pink, striped dress with matching scarf on her head. She wears matching jewelry and a traditional belt. The groom’s family also presents the bride with food. The wedding reception lasts for about three days.

In addition to henna, the bride’s mother spreads a silk fabric in front of her. She visits her guests by walking on the fabric with a candle in her hand. Guests offer sugared almonds and buns, while the bride tries to cry. A wailing bride is believed to bring abundance. A henna night celebration is one of the most popular Libyan wedding traditions.

In addition to the henna night, the Libyan wedding tradition of tying the knot is the most important night of a woman’s life. This night marks the last evening before the wedding and is the most anticipated event of her life. It also allows her to enjoy time with her friends before her wedding. The bride-to-be, Elif Ucar, was only 22 years old when she got married. In addition to her mother, her closest friends and family members attended her henna night.


Rice-tossing is one of many traditional Libyan wedding traditions. A traditional wedding involves throwing rice at the newlyweds before their ceremony begins. This is done to avenge the death of a family member who had passed away. The bride and groom are also required to wear traditional bejeweled garments. Guests are invited to attend the wedding but they are not expected to stay for the entire day.

The tradition dates back to ancient Libya. The ancients viewed rice as a symbol of fertility. They believed that it held the ability to produce children and was thrown with the hopes that the union would bear fruit. In Libya, the bride and groom are given rice, but many weddings opt to use other agricultural products, such as oats, millet, or wheat. In addition to rice, Libyan wedding traditions also include the throwing of turmeric.

The wedding ceremony in Libya is Islamic and is often performed in the home of the bride. The ceremony is held at the bride’s house, and the ceremony may last up to three days. In a typical Libyan wedding, the bride’s face and body must be covered. Although the bride’s dress will probably be a traditional Western wedding gown, she must be covered from head to toe. Following the ceremony, the newlyweds will eat their wedding dinner together in seclusion. The bride is then showered with rice, candy, or other edible treats.

The rice-tossing tradition originated in the ancient Romans. It is a traditional tradition that has persisted in some form or other. It is a popular tradition in Libyan culture, and is performed in many areas of the country. The bride and groom will receive rice that they are supposed to toss over their heads. The bride and groom are often given rice to throw over their heads, which symbolizes fertility and prosperity. The rice is also believed to keep evil spirits away.

The second stage of the marriage traditions in Libya involves a formal request for the hand of the bride’s family. This is done in private and is limited to family members of the bride and groom. In addition to the rice-tossing, the bride’s family will also be expected to make a donation. This donation will help the bride’s family in case of divorce. It is a symbolic gesture that signifies their commitment to one another.


The bride wears a traditional white dress and headscarf on her wedding day, but this isn’t the only difference between the two cultures. The groom’s family also brings gifts to the bride. The bride and groom usually spend the night in the same house, where guests are invited to eat traditional food and enjoy the company of one another. After the wedding, the newlyweds are showered with rice and candy. Libyan weddings are unique in many ways, including their candy-tossing tradition.

The Libyan wedding is very different from the traditional Western ceremonies, and Nadia Abraibesh described it as a culturally diverse event. The males on the groom’s side usually ask the bride for her hand, and the ceremony includes a formal meeting to determine the couple’s compatibility. The bride and groom are then given a ring, rings, and candy-tossing.

A typical Libyan wedding will last up to five days, and the bride and groom will likely be very young. The bride and groom will usually be married through arranged marriage, and the wedding will last up to five days. The Libyan wedding tradition is very traditional, and the bride will likely not get a chance to dress up in a modern outfit. The bride will be dressed in traditional Libyan clothing, and the groom will wear a traditional turban.

After the Meal

After the Meal is one of the most important parts of a Libyan wedding. Traditionally, the bride’s family dresses up in traditional clothing and the groom’s family dress up in his or her finest clothing. The groom also places an 80 gram gold piece in the bride’s hand and paints her hands with henna. On the day of the wedding, the bride and groom are also showered with rice and candy as they are escorted into their new home.

The After the Meal is a slow time for guests to arrive at the wedding and eat. Guests can talk with the bride and groom, or dance the night away. However, dancing requires a certain level of confidence and hip dexterity. While bringing a book to a wedding is not frowned upon, it is not recommended that you leave the reception before closing time. The ceremony itself is a social event, so don’t take up too much time reading or watching television.

The main course is called kofta. It is a doughy dish that is dipped in sauce. It is served in a large bowl, shaped like a rock island in water. Once the kofta is finished, it is poured into the sauce. If the kofta is not eaten right away, it is often discarded, leaving the guest with a taste of something delicious and a little extra fat.

Traditionally, women in Libya are veiled. It is considered taboo to wear a veil at a wedding, although it has been abolished by decree or male prerogative. However, women are gaining emancipation and are increasingly visible in the public. In the past, Qaddafi’s regime has banned foreign women from being admitted to a university without male kin. Even mail-order brides from Arab countries can be cheaper than Libyan women.

After the meal is a very important part of a Libyan wedding. It is the day the bride officially becomes a wife. The groom is the one who asks the bride’s father for permission to marry her, and it is an important day for him. The groom must be able to provide for his family and house. During the after meal, the bride and her family leave the bride’s family to perform other traditions. The bride will wear traditional clothing for the day, which usually consists of a black abaya.

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